
The secure virtual office with video conference

Secure video calls when working from home

Secure video communication for businesses, organisations and freelancers

Bring all your employees together from anywhere – whether they work from home, the physical office or other locations. Even visitors can enter your virtual office with only one click. Compatible with all common internet browsers.


Video calls

Video calls, video conferences and presentations with screen sharing. You can easily add a new participant at any time during the call.

Video call management

Easy video call scheduling and time management functions

Waiting room

A virtual customisable waiting room for clients and customers

Interactive organisation chart

A well-structured base of communication for productive and efficient collaboration with status visibility


Quick exchange of information via chat message

File transfer

Direct file transfer between participants .

Working from home with vOffice

Why vOffice?

  • More accessible and more effective communication through a live organisation chart
  • Allow colleagues and clients to participate with one click 
  • Easy to use from anywhere without installation

The secure solution

  • Fulfilling the high security and data protection requirements of the EU
  • A powerful solution for businesses with high confidentiality standards
  • Installed on servers in Germany or a local server of your choice (on-premise)
Secure connection
working from home

vOffice Licensing

  • You can test vOffice for 30 days, free of charge. After that, starting from 25 euros per employee per month.
  • No advertising, no data collection
  • Access to full support

vOffice Organisation chart

A well-structured base of communication

learn more >

vOffice Organigram

vOffice Waiting room

Digital version of the actual office reception area

learn more >

vOffice virtual waiting room

Your benefits at a glance:

  • Engage and feel connected with colleagues just like you do in the traditional offline office
  • Seamless collaboration with the team anywhere and anytime
  • Keep productivity high when your employees are working from home
  • Keep your employees up to date on current company policies and work requirements
  • Benefit from secure communication with end-to-end encrypted data exchange
  • Easy and hassle-free setup with our browser-based solution, no need to install

Basic information

vOffice is a secure video conference solution for internal and external company communication and organization.

You can use vOffice on any operating system as it is browser-based.

vOffice owners can use the video-call solution on all modern browsers. Google Chrome is the most convenient to use. However, Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari are also compatible with vOffice.

To set up your vOffice, and follow the short registration process. vOffice will be available to you right away.

Once you create your vOffice URL, you will receive a vOffice invitation link to your e-mail address. You can start it right away. We recommend opening the invitation link with Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, or Safari browser. We also recommend saving vOffice as a bookmark or installing the Chrome / Edge app.

You can find more information on the vOffice Help Center